Some weeks ago we started learning German, it's a part of the project in which we are involved EUNI, European and International Studies.
Every Thursday we have an hour of German. We have already learn several things such as numbers (ein, zwei, drei, vier, etc.) and the verb to be (sein).
I think learning languages it's very important for our futures and it always benefit us in one way or another.
Besides the German is a language that it's becoming more important every day. So this is a great oportunity to learn new things that will help us in our futures.
Before starting the classes with Dan, we learned a song :
Ich bin Ausländer
Und spreche nicht gut Deutsch
Bitte langsam! Bitte langsam!
Bitte prechen Sie doch langsam!
Ich bin Ausländer
Und spreche nicht gut Deutsch