2013(e)ko abenduaren 23(a), astelehena

Human population growth

Last class before Christmas we worked on human population growth. So I made a graph to understand better the problem and use it to predict future growth and identify factors that affect population growth.  
It took 1649 years for the world population to double, going from .25 billion people to .50 billion people. But it took only 200 years to double once again.
It took 75 years to double a second time and 51 a third time.
Based on my graph, in few years the population will reach 8 billion and the population of 2004 will double.

2013(e)ko abenduaren 2(a), astelehena

Dividing the world

We have started the second term. So today we did a different activity to introduce the new topic on which we are going to be working.
We did 6 groups and each group represents a different continent. Our work was to guess the information about different aspects that the teacher gave us.
The first one was the extension, so we moved our chairs for do it. The next aspects were population and money. We have been discussing moving to one side to an other the chair and the papers that represents the money. The last aspect was energy consumption and we were really surprised with the fact that Asia doesn't consume as much as we expected.
Here you have some graphs:

This graph compares the surface and the population.

This one shows the distribution of the population.

To conclude, I can say that it was fun and we enjoy the class!