2014(e)ko apirilaren 23(a), asteazkena



Before Easter holidays we have done a food recoled to help Banco de Alimentos. We thought that could be a good idea to help this NGO because everyday there is more more people that could not afford food for everyday.


An NGO close to me

170 herrialde baino gehiagotan jarduten duenez, tokian tokiko baldintza sozialetara eta premietara moldatzen du bere lana. Gipuzkoan 1870eko uztailaren 15etik gaude, ia 140 urtez. Gure gizarteaz batera egin dugu aurrera. Eta, hala, betiko zerbitzuak emateaz gain, hau da, sorospena eta larrialdietarako laguntza, kirol-ekintzetako prebentzio zerbitzuak, hondartzak, herriko festak eta abar, bestelakoak ere ematen ditugu orain.
Gaur egun, krisia gailentzen ari dela-eta baztertuta geratzeko arriskuan daudenei laguntzen saiatzen ari gara, batez ere; ahalegin handiagoa egiten dugu egoera horretan daudenei kontu egiteko, prestakuntza eta sustapena emateko.

Presente en más de 170 países adecua su actividad a las condiciones sociales y necesidades de cada lugar. En Gipuzkoa estamos presentes desde el 15 de Julio de 1870, casi 140 años. Hemos evolucionado juntamente con nuestra sociedad. Sin abandonar los servicios tradicionales de socorros y emergencias, servicios preventivos en eventos deportivos, festejos populares, playas, etc.  Hoy, máxime en la situación de crisis actual, estamos especialmente implicados en la asistencia a los colectivos con riesgo de exclusión, redoblando nuestros esfuerzos en la acogida, formación y promoción.


If I could suggest  something to politicans, I would tell them:
1. To reopen closed industries and to set up our own manufacturing facilities that will create more local employment.
2. To build refuges for evicted people and in general for poor people.

2014(e)ko martxoaren 28(a), ostirala

Where do you see Europe in the Basque Country?


We have a different work this time. We have to film a video. That was the idea we have:

The first image would be a ping pong ball that would represent the problem or the crisis. The next scene would be some European presidents playing ping pong. They pass the ball to each other and that represents that they pass the problem to each other. But then the ball fall out of the table. Meanwhile. In the last pictures would appeare homeless people.

2014(e)ko otsailaren 27(a), osteguna


We have already started with a new term, so we have a new project. It's about the European Debt Crisis. Here you have some interesting links I have found about the subject:

In this web we can find maps about the european beddt crisis. There are maps about the unemployment, budget balance, debt, change in GDP, stock indexes and 10 year bonds. Each map have a brief explanation to understand it better.

Here we have some statistics about the european economic crisis: unemployment, debts, etc.

Here you have some statistics and explanations about the eurozone debt crisis. Information about govermment debt, deficits, unemployment, etc.

Europe crisis 

In this web you can see the Euro zone debt crisis in graphics. 

Here you have the lick for the web of the European Center. They do a obsevatory on the social situation. In "Research Notes" you have interestig statistics and information about Europe.

2014(e)ko otsailaren 16(a), igandea


Last month we have worked in NGOs and we realised that there is a lot of people that need our help. I’m writing to show you that you can also help them.

SOS Africa is a charity supporting children in Africa and you can help them in many ways. One way is to give them clothes you aren't going to une more. As you can see in the photos we donate clothes and shoes.

“Un juguete una ilusión” is another NGO helping children all around the world, but in this case whit toys. With this pen you help the organisation sending the toys to the third world.

They are a lot of projects in which you can take part, so help them.

2014(e)ko otsailaren 10(a), astelehena


We have done an article about Médicines Sans Frontières. If you are interested read it!!
Médicines Sans Frontières

2014(e)ko otsailaren 2(a), igandea



Some cereals and biscuits are produced in Germany, in Neckarsulm. But they are sold all over the world.
Coca cola is an international but is mostly produced in the USA.
Most of the clothes I have in my closet are from China and shoes from Thailand.
Big electronic appliances at home are mostly produced in Spain. But small gadgets like my mobile are from Corea.

2014(e)ko urtarrilaren 13(a), astelehena


Globalization is more and more important everyday. We don't realised but it's there.
For example, when we listen to the radio we listen songs from all over the world. Maybe someone in Australia likes the same song you do.

Here in radios like Gaztea we can hear pop stars from Englan or other stars from all over the world.

2014(e)ko urtarrilaren 6(a), astelehena

FILM ANALYSIS: “Кавказский пленник” (Prisoner of the Mountains)


Film’s Datasheet
Prisoner of the Mountains is a war drama film based in the novel “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” written by Lev Tolstoi. It’s directed by Sergey Bodrov. He is also one of the main characters together with Oleg Menshikov and Jemal Sikharulidze.

Plot: Abdul Murat took two Russian soldiers prisoner because he wanted to change them for his soon who was captured by the Russians. One of the prisoners wrote to his mother, so she went to trade with Abdul. But they seek to escape and the villagers wanted Murat to execute them.
Finally the prisoners escaped. With it they started to kill people; a villager, the oldest prisoner and the soon of Abdul. So Murat decided to kill the other prisoner, but he let him alive because his daughter and he were in love.  


Historical context

 It’s important to know that the film was shot in 1996 during the Chechen War. We can understand better the film if we know about the problem between Russia and Chechnya.

Thematic analysis
The main theme of the film is the kidnapping. A man called Abdul Murat took two Russian soldiers prisoners and at the same time the son of Abdul is taken prisoner by the Russians. In our opinion kidnapping is not ethic, but in this case we can understand why Abdul did it. Like we have mentioned Chechnya and Russia are fighting and the citizens are suffering the consequences of the war. So in this situation the family is very important and the only thing that Abdul wanted is to take his son back with the family.

Cinematic analysis

The director uses different kind of resources to make the story more apealling.

First of all, he uses different planes.
Long shot is used to begin scenes when he shows the landscapes and mountains or to place an action. The medium perspective is used when characters are talking.Close-up is used to show the expressions and interior feelings of the character every time they are shocked.
He also uses different angles of the camera. Normal is the most used, but he also uses the high angle shot and the low angle shot when the prisoners are in the hole.

Our film was in Russian and for as it has been very difficult to understand the content. But we have seen that the storyline was in favour of the Russians. All the information that we have found is also in favour of the Russians, we think that Chechnya need to have more freedom because everybody have the right to be free.   

If you want to read more CLICK HERE.