2014(e)ko otsailaren 27(a), osteguna


We have already started with a new term, so we have a new project. It's about the European Debt Crisis. Here you have some interesting links I have found about the subject:

In this web we can find maps about the european beddt crisis. There are maps about the unemployment, budget balance, debt, change in GDP, stock indexes and 10 year bonds. Each map have a brief explanation to understand it better.

Here we have some statistics about the european economic crisis: unemployment, debts, etc.

Here you have some statistics and explanations about the eurozone debt crisis. Information about govermment debt, deficits, unemployment, etc.

Europe crisis 

In this web you can see the Euro zone debt crisis in graphics. 

Here you have the lick for the web of the European Center. They do a obsevatory on the social situation. In "Research Notes" you have interestig statistics and information about Europe.

iruzkinik ez:

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